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The inaugural Hometown Days Wiffle®Ball tournament was held on July 30, 2005 at the New Prairie Little League Majors Field.  The format for the first tournament was double elimination.


The last team to enter, consisting of Jared Colanese, Matt Flagg, Chris Deutscher and Ryan Rush, was formed on Friday night to make the tournament field an even 16 teams. Known as the Late Arrivers, the squad was the last team standing on Saturday evening, becoming the first Champions of Wiffle®Ball.


Late Arrivers (1st appearance)

Steamin' Teabags (1st appearance)

Lugnuts (1st appearance)

Rockies (1st appearance)

Complete Results Unavailable

The Wiffle®Ball Championship is an official event of New Carlisle Hometown Days, Inc. Hometown Days is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing a fun-filled, family-oriented festival every July. The event weekend is a venue for many local churches, clubs, and other non-profit groups to conduct their biggest fundraisers of the year. All proceeds from The Championship help the Hometown Days committee in its effort to continue this summer tradition.


“WIFFLE”, the Wiffle Certification Mark and the image of the ball are registered trademarks owned by The Wiffle Ball, Inc. 

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