NEW CARLISLE - A record 50 teams competed in the 2015 City Championship this past weekend. Here are the final standings from the tournament, which will be used for the Grand Slam rankings.
1. Cult West Warriors
2. New Carlisle Newts
3. Maple City Magic
4. Clutch Players
5. Warsaw Whitecats
6. Granger Panthers
7. Hudson Lake Heat
8. Home Run or Bust
9. Muffs
10. White Lightning
11. Mechanics
12. Goebel Concrete
13. Jet City Junkballers
14. Beef Barn
15. Soggy Bottom Boys
16. Pitch Slapped
17. YTS
18. Watch Yo Face
19. Yellowhammers
20. Speedy's Chickenheads
21. Isotopes
22. Ain't The Ones
23. Emery's Army
24. London Colonels
25. Hudson Lake 2
26. Benchwarmers
27. 50 Shades of Jenner
28. Gone Forever Aaron Hernandez
29. Goebelstein Concrete
30. Late Arrivers, Part Deux
31. Pterodactyls
32. Gashouse Gorillas
33. Ruth's Plus One
34. Ball Team
35. Multiple Scoregasms
36. Cheeseburger in Parade
37. Skinny Genes
38. Pitches Ain't HIt
39. Billy Goat 9 and Dine
40. One Hit Wonders
41. The Big Ranch
42. Meyers Maniacs
43. Newbies
44. Big Dawgs
45. Flaming Dog Poop
46. Shawn Kemp's Kids
47. Dinker Heads
48. Notorious
49. More... of Shawn Kemp's Kids
50. Violators